Dear Son, you may have heard much about my youth from your mother but there are some experiences that I reserved to tell you first hand. I see the way you react when you're spoken to about certain doings of yours. It is fair to react but don't fail to reminisce the caution. Please learn from my mistakes. I almost learned too late to pay attention to every caution, until I learned from one of my wise teachers that one of the counsels of caution is to be very certain that I do not mistake a reactionary turn for a return of common sense. It is never easy to admit mistakes, but I pray for you daily. I pray for you that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened daily and that you may see beyond the words said to you, to look further into the truths there in. You may not totally have the same experiences as I had but I bet they must be similar and that is why I hold nothing against you. Love you much boy! Your Father.